Autumn in Germany
I don’t plan on having a lot of words in this post. I could never do the beauty of fall in Germany justice. Fall anywhere with color changes is gorgeous. I loved that time of year at St. Olaf. It… (READ MORE)
I don’t plan on having a lot of words in this post. I could never do the beauty of fall in Germany justice. Fall anywhere with color changes is gorgeous. I loved that time of year at St. Olaf. It… (READ MORE)
I wouldn’t say I’m overwhelmed. No. More burned out. Not with life in Europe. Oh no. I still am incredibly amazed that I am here. I love the beauty and the history. I love that I can walk all my… (READ MORE)
Europe has a smell. It is not always noticeable. Usually there is food, people, weather, activity, construction, etc. to smell. But early in the morning, when no one is out and the air is crisp, it is there. I don’t… (READ MORE)
Discolsure: I have used affiliate links to link to some products that William and I love and that you may not be familiar with. You don’t pay any extra for purchasing something through these links, but we get a small… (READ MORE)