Plans, Except Not Really…Again

Today was another kinda rough day. We were really tired when we woke up and it was really cold out – in the 40’s!

But after breakfast we got dressed, and dragged ourselves out onto the bikes. Thankfully today’s ride was much shorter – just to Pforzen, about 1.5km. Here we went to Mass. In German, natürlich. Thankfully Mass is the same in every language, so I could follow a long a bit with the help of the hymnal. I just couldn’t understand the readings or the sermon. It was a small, pretty church that was filled with people. I suppose since 5 small towns have merged their parishes, they have enough people to fill the pews.

The Church of St. Valentine in Pforzen (pictures taken after Mass was over and everyone had left):

Pforzen Church Alter

Alter of the church in Pforzen

Back of the Church

Back of the church, and the organ (check out the ceiling!)

Pforzen Church Outside

Church of St. Valentine from the outside

On our way back to the farm, we remembered that we were suppose to call our future landlords to let them know we wanted to sign the lease this afternoon. Well….We called and found out that yesterday some doctors contacted them and offered to buy the apartment. The landlords are a mother and son. The mother wants to sell (putting 5 people out of an apartment, four of who were going to sign the lease and pay the deposit today), while the son wants to rent it to us. We will find out Tuesday or Wednesday what the verdict is.

I’m just so sick of looking for apartments. I am sick of the trouble we have been having. I don’t understand why we can’t get anyone to respond to us. We have been contacting apartments and WGs for over a month, and only two have even replied offering to let us look at the place. The first turned out to be too expensive, and this was the second. And now that the school year is about to start, there are fewer and fewer apartments being listed. Everyone has settled in for fall.

Our WWOOFing hosts won’t let us be homeless, but Ingenried is just too far from Kaufbeuren to go there every day for school. Especially in the winter. They are giving us lots of advice and resources for our search, which is much appreciated. And maybe we could get in touch with the people that were supposed to be our roommates and find a place with them.

So that was our morning. We spent the rest of the day feeling kinda crummy, making lunch, and going for a walk around town. Nothing too exciting. Things picked up a little in the evening. Tomorrow we start working on the farm again, and that will be good.

Cow Closeup

Cows we saw on our walk


1 Comment

  1. Ann & Cihan

    Hang in there!


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